SHINE the smart window that washes itself

SESAM Innovation
2 min readJun 14, 2021

SHINE it is a smart window that washes itself, controlled by application from a mobile device and has all the mechanisms integrated in the glazing frame.

The system is controlled by an application installed on a mobile device: mobile phone, tablet etc. With this application, we transmit the desired command to a processor inside the frame. The processor controls two liquid pumps and an electric motor. The pump, located at the top of the window, absorbs liquid from the tank, pushing it under pressure through the micro holes, located on the bottom of the active element, over its entire surface. In the upper part of the active element, we have two rubber blades for collecting the used liquid which is transported in the second tank by means of the collector pump, located at the bottom of the window.

We are a company that operates in the field of innovation and has a portfolio of inventions / concepts for which we are looking for partners in order to finance the realization of prototypes for each of our concepts, then to sell them to the market around the world.
My name is Muset Gabriel and Dan Sobol. We are two inventors. To start our projects we need funding. We are open to collaborations.

Check the video demonstration about SHINE:

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SESAM Innovation

At SESAM Innovation, do that, we open new “doors”, with the help of imagination.